"The Same Old Story" lab notes
Project 397 - Exploration 23
Diagram of an eyeball, an image of the aged baby, and Walter’s thoughts on rapid growth. There is also a grilled cheese sandwich and a dill pickle spear.
"The Same Old Story" lab notes
Project 397 - Exploration 23
Diagram of an eyeball, an image of the aged baby, and Walter’s thoughts on rapid growth. There is also a grilled cheese sandwich and a dill pickle spear.
Remember the end of ‘episode 2′ when Walter fall asleep and dreams of three men in a room, that appear to be clones…
if you watch closely after this image disappears, an apple will flash on the screen. Inside the apple is what appears to be two fetuses. Maybe they are possibly clones as well.
In the hospital scene (approximately 9min 20sec in), you can see the observer just standing there, watching Olivia, Peter, and Broyles as they walk by.
In the hospital
When they hook up that cool machine to take pictures of the victim’s eyeball…it is supposedly to capture the last images she saw before she died. What they see is a bridge.
This poor woman was awake while the bad guy prepped the needle, injected her IV, put on his goggles and cut her open. Don’t you think that some insane man coming at you with a scalpel would be the image that is burned into your brain when you die? Not some stupid bridge you saw through a dirty window, God knows how long ago!
last image
When Broyles is introducing his new team to a room of people, you can clearly see Nina’s big red ring on her left hand…
Left hand
…10 seconds later it is on her right hand.
Right hand
On both containers
At the end of the episode, Walter falls asleep, and this is what he dreams of. You can see the Massive Dynamic logo on both of the containers.
Derek Cecil
Christopher Penrose - played by Derek Cecil
The result of a horrible rapid aging experiment gone wrong, Christopher is a classic monster-of-the-week. His creepy demeanor lets you know he is up to no good from the moment you meet him.
In the struggle for self-preservation, he has brutally murdered several people and removed their pituitary glands in order to keep himself from aging.
Status: Died of old age in a matter of minutes.
Original Airdate: September 16, 2022
Original Airdate: September 16, 2022
Massive Dynamic
Synopsis: The team investigates a case of extreme aging, when a woman who claims to not be pregnant, gives birth to a baby who dies of old age in 4 hours. Dr. Walter Bishop claims… Read the rest of this entry »