Jan 14, Posted in News / Spoilers by Scully

Fringe - Episode 112 - The No Brainer - Promotional Photos

Here are six promotional photos FOX has just released for upcoming Episode 12 -”The No-Brainer’

Click any image to see full size.

Source: Spoiler TV

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Jan 14, Posted in Fringe - 104 The Arrival > News / Spoilers by Scully

Fox Honcho - Kevin Reilly on future of ‘Fringe’

Kevin Reilly

“Fringe, one of the few hits of the fall, has not yet been picked up for a second season, but fans should not worry. “I would anticipate it would be,” Reilly said. The show has generated good if not stellar ratings but has a loyal cult following. Fringe returns with new episodes on Jan. 20 and will air Tuesdays at 9 p.m.”

second season

Reilly also hinted that J.J. Abrams’ sci-fi thriller “Fringe” will be back for another season.

“I already know ‘Fringe’ is a keeper,” he said of the show, which soon will benefit from a lead-in from “American Idol.” “The show’s been a bear creatively because it’s been very ambitious. They’ve really found the storytelling model now. … If you follow the serialized story you will not be disappointed (in the second half of the year), yet the stories really do reset themselves each week. I would not expect it to take off after ‘Idol,’ but I do think it will tick up another level.”


Sources: SCI FI Wire / Hollywood Reporter

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Jan 13, Posted in Fringe - The Observer > Fringe - Videos > News / Spoilers by Scully

The Observer watches football.

It seems that J.J. Abrams is taking his show to the next level.  The Observer, and not Michael Cerveris, was seen observing the Giants/Eagles game Sunday.  As the camera passes be him, it seems quite obvious that this was set up for ‘Fringe’ fans, and I’m not disappointed.  This is just one more reason why this show has my vote.

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Jan 10, Posted in Fringe - 101 Pilot > Fringe - Massive Dynamic > News / Spoilers by Scully

Massive Dynamic office in Toronto?

In the pilot episode, we meet Nina Sharp at her Massive Dynamic office in NYC.  Here is a screen shot…

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Jan 8, Posted in News / Spoilers by Scully

Fringe Wallpapers and Promo Pics

Check out the new Downloads section.  It’s full of promotional posters and pictures, as well as the official ‘Fringe’ glyph images.  I also have a nice selection of ‘Fringe’ wallpapers that I designed myself, and will be adding more soon…

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Jan 8, Posted in News / Spoilers by Scully

New Episode Titles confirmed

I found these photos posted by J.R. Orci on flickr.com.   I zoomed in on the titles to make them easier to read.  Click on images to view full size…

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Jan 6, Posted in Fringe - 103 The Ghost Network > Fringe - Easter Eggs > Next Episode Clues by Scully

Pattern cases yet to come

As I was watching Episode 3 “The Ghost Network” again (for the umpteenth time), I remembered that at Roy’s apartment there were shots of artwork and models.  The model of the plane crash we knew about, but the others, at the time, held no meaning…

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Jan 6, Posted in Fringe - 110 Safe > News / Spoilers by Scully

Popular Mechanics talks “Safe”

Popular Mechanics talks about the science of Episode 10…

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Jan 4, Posted in Fringe - The Observer > Fringe - Videos by Scully

The Observer Medley

For anyone who has not been able to see The Observer in hiding in the episodes…here is video showing exactly where he is for the first 9 episodes…


The Observer

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Jan 4, Posted in Fringe - 110 Safe > Fringe - Fumbles by Scully

Where the Little Hill are they going? - 110

According to Olivia, Little Hill Field is in Westford MA, just off RT3.  For starters, Westford is closer to Highway  495 than it is to RT3…but, semantics, I say.  O.K. so Olivia announces that she will come in from the south and Charlie should come in from the west.  Kind of stupid to tell him to come in from the west…that means he has to drive all the way around the town to get to the west side.  Alright, so Charlie has to take the long way around…big deal…off they go…

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