Star Trek – Fringe connection
OK. so I went to see an early showing of Star Trek. Amazing movie, by the way, I recommend it highly. But that’s not what I want to talk about. You know what I saw in the Star Trek movie? Blue Lights. Not just any blue lights, but OUR mysterious Fringe-lights! What the Fringe is that about?
So one of two things is happening here:
#1 – The blue lights in Fringe don’t have any hidden meaning. They aren’t little Eater Eggs for us to figure out. They are just special effects that J.J. Abrams seems to like to use. A new found look.
#2 – There is some sort of connection between Star Trek and Fringe. J.J. has thrown an Easter Egg into Star Trek for us Fringe fans.
I do have a theory, but I will not go into when and how the lights in Star Trek were used, and what the connection to Fringe might be, until the film has been officially released and you have had a chance to see it. But when you do get to the theater, keep your eyes open, and then get back here and tell me your theories.
So, as I was writing this post, I thought I would throw in a Star Trek poster, and this is what I found…
J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek"
Is that poster Red, Yellow and Blue? Need I say more?
UPDATE: Thanks to Dennis over at Fringe Television for sending me these images of the blue lights from Star Trek…click any image to view full size.
Image #1
Image #2
Image #3