Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - 104
Here is a screencap of the University as shown in Episode 4 “The Arrival”. In the bottom right corner, you can see a couple of extras and the Fox logo…
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Here is a screencap of the University as shown in Episode 4 “The Arrival”. In the bottom right corner, you can see a couple of extras and the Fox logo…
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Now you see it...
but wait…where did it go…
Now you don't.
Oh good…it’s back, I was worried.
Back again.
Here are the screencaps of the blue lights for “The Same Old Story”…
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On the one way sign in Episode 2, there is a sticker with the words “Voces Video”. In Latin this translates to - “See Voices” - the problem affecting Roy McComb (in Episode 3) before Dr. Bishop treats his condition…
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The team is looking through Walter’s files looking for evidence of Progeria or Pituitary:
Olivia: “Progeria - case file by Dr. Penrose.”
Walter: “Yes, Penrose, Penrose, I remember him. A former collegue of mine.”
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O.K. So let’s talk about the bridge. Astrid said she recognized it - that it was in Stoughton and it was called Sergeant Bridge. I did my research…there is no bridge in Stoughton by that name, or anywhere else in Massachusetts. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t find a bridge in any of the states with that name. Second of all, Stoughton is a landlocked town. No water…no bridge. There’s no railway bridges, no toll bridges and definitely no canal or river bridges. That begs the question…what bridge is it? Here is the bridge…
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In the hospital scene (approximately 9min 20sec in), you can see The Observer just standing there, watching Olivia, Peter, and Broyles as they walk by…
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When they hook up that cool machine to take pictures of the victim’s eyeball…it is supposedly to capture the last images she saw before she died. What they see is a bridge…