Clue to 112 hidden in 111
The book seen at the end of Episode 111, that Olivia is holding is titled “What’s that Noise?”…
The book
next episode clue
When the computer boots up in 112, the opening screen says “What,s that Noise?”…
The screen
The book seen at the end of Episode 111, that Olivia is holding is titled “What’s that Noise?”…
The book
next episode clue
When the computer boots up in 112, the opening screen says “What,s that Noise?”…
The screen
I am re-posting my Observer find with an update…thank you to Linda and laachi for finding two other possible Observer sightings.
I originally thought this wass the Observer, but I could not find any other screenshot that had his face or figure. J.J. Abrams is getting very good at hiding him. If anyone has found a better shot of him, please let me know.
On the sidewalk
Here is a screenshot, as per Linda’s great score…I think she might be on to something. I’m not sure how he got into the FBI building unnoticed, but he looks directly at Olivia, which is more in keeping with his MO.
In the FBI building
laachi has noticed this shot at Loeb’s house, just before Olivia knocks on the door…
In the window
Plot twist! So Loeb is claiming he is one of the good guys. Should we believe him? There is evidence to support both the theories that he is lying and that he is telling the truth.
good guy
A couple of things during the abduction scene lead me to think that maybe he is telling the truth when he said:
“We saved you! We were going to let you go. We saved you! You have no idea what you’ve done. Not a clue.“
First of all, he was wearing a mask. If he intended on killing Olivia, there would be no need to disguise himself. Unless perhaps, he is just a big fan of Halloween.
Secondly, there was a moment when Loeb brushes his hand up against Olivia’s face. It was reassuring and almost tender, as if to say it will be alright. This does not seem like the action of a man who is going to torture and kill you very shortly.
A tender touch
Also, during Loeb’s interview, he seemed genuinely upset that Olivia thought he kidnapped her. The look on his face appears to be one of disbelief.
He’s a cold blooded killer! Murder! Death! Mayhem! These things follow him everywhere. And, although the road to hell is paved with good intentions, that can only get you so far.
bad guy
He instructed his wife to kill Olivia. Although, it’s possible that they had already extracted what they needed from her, and even though he had planned to let her live (according to Loeb), she was now a liability.
bad guy
He’s a cold blooded killer! Did I already say that? It’s true!
bad guy
He could have just been reacting to Olivia’s accusatons to try to cover his own hide. He’s obviously a good liar. All double agents must have this quality, or they wouldn’t last long.
Here are my screencaps for this week, that may or may not have anything to do with anything. You be the judge…
The van
The graffiti
The sign
The book
Popular Mechanics talks about the science of Episode 11… By Andrew Moseman
Walter adds some LSD
Should you be scared of a spiny slug growing in your stomach?
Parasites were back on Fringe, after making a factually-challenged appearance in an earlier episode. In last night’s episode, “Bound,” Boston College professor Stewart Kinberg reaches the high point of a lecture about the microbial world, ruminating on how millions and millions of microorganisms like viruses and bacteria feed on us every day. Like many remarks in Fringe, the professor’s words turn out to be prophetic—he suddenly begins to struggle to speak, then breaks into a fit of choking and falls to the ground. The teacher’s assistant tries CPR to revive him, but in vain. And a moment later, the professor’s killer makes its appearance.
What emerges from Kinberg’s throat is a marvel of disgust—a slimy, spiny slug, about six inches in diameter, forces its way out of the professor’s mouth and then scurries around the room, trying to escape. Agent Olivia Dunham learns that Kinberg had been about to move to a position as an epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease Control, and fearing that another CDC candidate could be in danger, she brings him into protective custody. But after taking a sip of water, he too convulses and dies, and a similar slug crawls out of him.
Walter’s analysis of the slug-like parasite that he and Peter coral in the Boston College lecture hall tells him that the slug makes its way into people as tiny eggs, and stomach acid acts as the catalyst that causes the parasite to grow. Scott Gardner of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Manter Laboratory of Parasitology tells PM that this part of the case is fairly realistic. Parasites are endlessly creative and have plenty of ways to get inside you. “There’s probably 100 different ones that get in,” he says.
Some, like nematodes, often are ingested as eggs and then “hatch” in your gut. According to Gardner, the worm is already in a larval stage inside the egg—the host’s caustic stomach acids wear down the egg and allow the nematode to break free and grow.
Could an overgrown common cold virus “cell” turn into a vicious killer?
Deeper examination of the nasty slugs leads the agents into truly junk science, however. Walter, in one of his brilliant, out-of-nowhere declarations, claims he has discovered that the spiny slug is really just one huge single cell, and not just any single cell—it’s the virus that causes the common cold, blown up to the size of a football.Walter delights in the sweet irony of epidemiologists being killed by the common cold.
But this scenario is silly for several reasons. First of all, there is no “common cold virus,” according to Carol Post, Purdue University professor of medical chemistry and molecular pharmacology. Scores of slightly different viruses, mostly rhinoviruses, can cause a cold.
Secondly, viruses are not cells. They’re crafty bits of genetic code that must infect another organism’s cells and borrow the host cell’s machinery to reproduce. This peculiar way of life has led to years of debate over whether or not a virus qualifies as life. But, Post says, it most certainly is not a cell.
Lastly, while there are individual cells that can grow quite large, like the ostrich egg example that Walter gives, Post says that you can’t just program a cell (or the flu virus) to supersize into a bigger version of itself. Basic physics prevents that from being possible for cells, and just about every other animal or organism. “No, that’s science fiction,” she says.
In Episode 10 “Safe”, I noticed the license plates on Loeb’s van…
Loeb's van - 110
At the time, I thought it was a homage to Star Wars. But now I think it might be more than that. This week we see Loeb driving a completely different vehicle…
Loeb's car - 111
Same plates. Although it’s not unheard of for people to transfer their plates from one vehicle to the other, I don’t believe that’s the case here. My dad used to transfer his plates from the family car to the truck when winter came, that’s a good reason. Transferring your plates from your van to your sports sedan when winter is just around the corner, seems the complete opposite of normal.
I suppose it’s possible that the prop guy on the set make a fumble, but it doesn’t feel accidental.
So, I am going to take a leap, and say that this is a clue to something else. Maybe one of the projects he is working on. I haven’t been able to find any solid references to this series of numbers, but it must mean something.
After Olivia breaks free from her restraints, she grabs some samples to take with her…
Olivia's sample
The number of the sample is 03981. If you watch the screen at the University, this image appears…
Kinberg's sample
The number of this sample is 098.1. It’s not exactly the same, but it’s pretty darned close. The sample is of Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a commonly occurring bacterium that can cause diseases in both animals and humans. It is found throughout the world where there is soil and is found in both soil and water and in most man-made environments. It thrives in normal atmospheres but can also thrive where there is little oxygen which enables it to colonise many natural and artificial environments.
The P. aeruginosa population is characterized by a few dominant clones widespread in disease and environmental habitats. The genome is made up of clone-typical segments in core and accessory genome and of blocks in the core genome with unrestricted gene flow in the population.
At Loeb’s house, Olivia finds photos of the slug they are apparantly dealing with…
Loeb's samples
According to this information, what they are dealing with is Parvoviridae.
The Parvoviridae family includes the smallest known viruses, and some of the most environmentally resistant. They were discovered during the 1960s and affect vertebrates and insects. Parvoviridae have a genome consisting of single-stranded DNA and an icosahedral capsid.
Parvoviruses are significant pathogens in the veterinary sciences. These viruses are particularly associated with reproductive failure. Parvovirus B19 is the only parvovirus that has been linked directly to disease in humans. The virus is resistant to heat, cold and solvents. The virus can lead to subclinical infection, dermatologic involvement, such as erythema infectiosum, hematologic findings such as transient aplastic crisis or chronic anemia in the immunocompromised host, rheumatologic manifestations such as arthritis, and even life-threatening effects such as hydrops fetalis.
Here are the screencaps of the blue lights for “Bound”.
Loeb as Olivia's abducter
At Boston College
In Episode 6 “The Cure”…I noticed a shot of the outside of Harvard University with some extras that I could have sworn I’d seen before…
Harvard University in 106
shot 1
It was almost exactly the same as the shot from Episode 5 “Power Hungry”. The man in the brown jacket and the couple leaning against the planter are here again.
Harvard University in 105
shot 2
Well here we are…five episodes later…and the man in the brown jacket and the couple leaning against the planter still have nothing better to do than hang around outside Walter’s lab. Maybe they work for Massive Dynamic or ZFT!
Harvard University in 111
Original Airdate: January 20,
Original Airdate: September 23, 2022
Synopsis: After shifty FBI Agent Mitchel Loeb orchestrated David Robert Jones’ otherworldly escape from a German prison and Olivia’s alarming abduction… Read the rest of this entry »