Popular Mechanics talks “Safe”
Popular Mechanics talks about the science of Episode 10…
Popular Mechanics talks about the science of Episode 10…
According to Olivia, Little Hill Field is in Westford MA, just off RT3. For starters, Westford is closer to Highway 495 than it is to RT3…but, semantics, I say. O.K. so Olivia announces that she will come in from the south and Charlie should come in from the west. Kind of stupid to tell him to come in from the west…that means he has to drive all the way around the town to get to the west side. Alright, so Charlie has to take the long way around…big deal…off they go…
Here are the screencaps of the blue lights for “Safe”…
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Are my screencaps for this week, that may or may not have anything to do with anything…
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Courtesy of : Fringepedia
Philadelphia Mutual Savings Bank
As Olivia and Peter wait for further instructions in the bar, after they interviewed the bartender in Safe - a sign above and behind says The Colds…
The sign
easter egg
This foreshadowed the killer Cold Virus used to kill the epidemiologists in Bound.
Last week in the ‘Mean Anything’ blog, this was one of the screencaps…
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In Walter’s lab notes for this week he notes:
“I know the rule: ‘cannot build phallic puzzles inside the lab.’ I still know the numbers, too — well I damn well should, it’s a simple second-order recursive algorithm — but a mnemonic is worthless without it’s contents.”
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I was fascinated and curious about the items that Jones insisted on having…
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I had to watch it a second time to catch him this week…he wasn’t hanging around behind the actors, as he normally does. This time he was hidden on the monitor at the beginning of the episode. Very sneaky J.J…