Oct 24, 2022 Posted in Fringe - 101 Pilotsingle Fringe - Easter Eggssingle Fringe - Massive Dynamic by Scully
M.D. Logo in the Pilot Episode
On the plane
The Massive Dynamic logo appears at least three times in the ‘Pilot’. The first time is approximately 8 minutes into the episode, you will see the logo on the plane.
On the billboard
Then, at approximately 32 minutes into the episode, you will see the Massive Dynamic logo on a billboard. The caption reads ‘What do we do? What don’t we do.’.
On the satellites
I heard a rumor about the satellites, so I checked it out, and what do you know…there it is again. Approximately 1hr 2min into the episode, you can see the Massive Dynamic logo on both of the satellites.