The Observer: 104 - “The Arrival”
- ‘The Observer’
The Observer
The Observer (September) - played by Michael Cerveris
Although this episode is the first episode we actually meet The Observer face-to-face, it is not the first time he has made an appearance. If you watch carefully, you will see him lurking around in the background of all of the other episodes.
The question to whether he is an alien, a time traveler, an experiment gone wrong or an inter-dimentional traveler, is yet to be revealed. What we do know is that he has met Walter before, many years earlier, when he saved both Walter and Peter’s life. He eats spicy food, because his taste buds are weak and he is impervious to cold weather. He dresses meticulously and never smiles. He can read minds and communicate telepathically. It’s possible that he doesn’t age or grow hair - and he has the funkiest pair of binoculars and gun that I’ve ever seen. All in all, a very intriguing and mysterious guy.
I look
I look forward to seeing and learning more about this mysterious bald man.
Status: Alive, god only knows where…or when!
April 24th, at 3:40 pm
In quantum mechanics there is a phenomenon where by observing the behaviour of a system affects the outcome.
I think that the observer is directing chance/fate simply by observing the pattern.
OMG, I just realized that the same thought experiment used to explain this to students - the double slit experiment - produces what is called “the fringe pattern.” FRING - PATTERN!
April 24th, at 3:41 pm
PS- In this experiment, observing the elements in the system destroys the pattern.
April 26th, at 6:00 am
I thought I had such a breakthrough here, but no one else has commented. Did it get lost in the noise of my fringe comment binge? Or does no one think it’s a good one?
April 26th, at 9:55 am
Actually,pr3sidentspence, I think this is an amazing theory. I was going to do some research on it and write a separate post, but I just haven’t had time yet.
“PS- In this experiment, observing the elements in the system destroys the pattern.”
This might explain why the ZFT manuscript stated that the traveling would destroy both worlds.
Is there a name for the phenomenon that mentioned? I’m just not sure where to start with my research…quantum mechanics?
Any more relative info you can get on this topic would be great, I will quote you in the post.
PS. Thanks for all of your great comments.
April 27th, at 12:37 am
It’s intro QM and the experiment is called the “Double Slit Experiment.” The pattern is called a “fring pattern” or an “interference pattern” and each line in the pattern is called a fringe.
Pattern looks like this | | | | |||| | | | |
The setup is as follows:
You put a particle emitter on one end, it can emit photons or electrons. You place a solid plate with two vertical slits in it in the path of the particles. You place a detector screen after the slit plate. You will observe this fringe pattern on the detector. This can be easily explained if you assume that the particles aren’t particles but waves, then the two slits become synchronized wave emitters themselves and the fringes can be explained by wave interference. You can also perform this in a tank of water and see the same thing.
Now here’s the funky bit. If you make the particle emitters emit one particle at a time, they can’t go through both slits like a wave front can. They can only go through one. And you see one hit on the detector. But if you repeat this single emission many times and superimpose all the hits, the fringe pattern re-appears! It’s a little harder to explain why this happens.
Now, if you decide you want to know which of the slits each particle is going through, you can close one of the slits. You might think that if you close one or the other at random (not just once, but for each particle) or alternate which one is open, that this really wouldn’t change the result. The particle either goes through the open one or does not arrive at the detector. You’d think that maybe it would take twice as long to show the pattern. But if you do this, you find that the pattern never forms. The act of measuring, observing, or knowing which trajectory the particles take destroys the pattern.
Here is a video explaining the phenomenon:
April 27th, at 9:30 am
OMG pr3sidentspence, this is amazing research, thank you. I am going to start a separate post for this topic. I love this theory. I did do some research as well, and thought I don’t understand quantum physics, I do see the correlation to the Observer and the storyline of the show. Thanks again.
April 27th, at 2:43 pm
There’s a quote from a famous scientist that says something like, “Anyone who thinks they understand quantum physics, doesn’t.”
April 28th, at 9:42 am
‘Quantum Physics for Dummies’ anyone?