Only two episodes left, and I feel I must add a new mystery that I’d like solved by the end of the season. What the heck is that thing Peter is building and why is he building it? We first see the machine in “Unleashed”, as Peter talks to Rachel on the phone, so he’s been working on it for a while.
Peter's project.
First of all…what is it?
The truth is, I have no idea what this thing is. I’m not sure that I even have a good theory about what it could be. But I do have a question…how does Walter not recognize what he is building? It seems to me that he has dabbled in just about everything. That combined with a 196 IQ, you would think that he would at least have a theory of what it is.
builds similar to walter…pic of head thing from ghost network.
Second of all…why is he building it or for whom?
One theory might be that he is building it for Nina. In Episode 6 - “The Cure”, Nina and Peter have the following conversation…
NINA: “…Now I have all kinds of information, Peter, and some of it does me no good. Well, take the Aymara people, for instance, of Central Peru. I know that the soil beneath their land houses a naturally occurring metal alloy that is potentially hyper-conductive. I also know that you have managed to successfully conduct business with these and other tribal concerns, in parts of the world traditionally resistant to development.“
PETER: “I’m sorry, Ms. Sharp. I think I must’ve missed your question.“
NINA: “My question is, are you willing to make a bargain? I’d give you the exact location you want, and in exchange, I get to come to you someday, and you return the favor. No questions asked. So… Do we have a deal?“
Nina and Peter in "The Cure"
Hyper-conductive? Interesting. I did a little research on elements and hyper-conductivity…here’s what I found. The following are a few excerpts from a presentation by Bashar on the of the philosophical implications of monatomic elements. It’s an interesting read, with a lot of correlations to the show. I just pulled out a couple of my favorite lines…
When we ingest monatomics (elements which are chemically isolated) we become hyper-conductive. You can utilize that energy by collapsing the field within your body with your intentional focus and create superconductive effects. Yes, you can direct the energy inward superconductively or outward superconductively. But generally in the natural state, in the relaxed state it is a hyper-conductive state because you are connecting to a multidimensional holographic structure simultaneously.
Reality is changing every day. As many of you now know there are many different kinds of discoveries, many different kinds of realizations and ideas that are opening up new fields of awareness, new understandings of your consciousness and therefore your reality, your physical material reality, is going to become a lot more slippery as you say.
Space and time are losing their grip upon you because you are the creators of space and time. You are the creators of the physical reality in which you think you exist. And as you change your idea of yourself, as you expand beyond the notion that you are merely physical entities and explore other realms of consciousness and other levels of consciousness within you, so too will your physiological reality become that expanded, that nebulous … that fluid, that transmutational and transitional.
And of course it would be no surprise that at this time of exploring your consciousness in a transmutational way that you would begin to see reflections in your society of transmutational signs. Everything you do, everything you create, every endeavor scientific, economic, social or otherwise that you go into is always going to reflect where you are at in your understanding and relationship to your own consciousness.
So when you find that you have now discovered the concept of superconductivity, as you say, it is because your very being, your very body are becoming more superconductive. Which means you are becoming more aligned, more synchronized in that context and thus you are capable, once you have made that kind of change within yourself, of reflecting those changes in the discoveries that you make in your outer psychological reflective reality.
What is the difference between being superconductive and hyper-conductive?
Superconductive is the effect in what you might perceive as one frequency, one direction of an energy so to speak. Hyper-conductive is the actual, natural state of the simultaneous existence of many different fields overlapping . What you actually call the superconductive field is actually a hyper-conductive field. It is not really superconductivity until you collapse the field and get the unidirectional effect of the voltage or amperage out of it. So superconductivity is the effect in one direction of the application of the energy in your physical domain. Hyper-conductivity is the field that has no particular direction to it because it is composed of all directions.
So, is it possible that Nina has called in her favor? Did Nina ask Peter to acquire some of the metal from his connections in Peru? Is Peter’s machine designed to turn a naturally occurring metal into a monatomic element? The monitor could be to display the electrical conductivity.
My problem with this theory is this. WHY? What could Nina possibly want with this element? And more importantly, why ask Peter to build this machine. Wouldn’t that be right up William Bell’s alley? Is she doing this behind Bell’s back. Possible rejuvenation of cells, to fix her arm?
If you look at this promo pic from the season finale, doesn’t it make you wonder if Peter’s machine worked, Nina ingested the monotomic element, and got herself in a world of trouble? It’s one possible theory.
Ghost Network
My second theory would be that it is payoff to the mysterious people that seem to be after Peter. I don’t have anything to back that up, it’s just another possible theory.
Anybody have any thoughts on this?
May 1st, at 2:11 pm
i can’t remember exactly, and this is quite unrelated [sorta], but on the episode where we learn about September and Walter, didn’t Walter say that when September saved him and Peter from the frozen lake, he said [the observer] something along the lines of “in exchange, I get to come to you someday, and you return the favor. No questions asked”, which is why Walter had to disappear the beacon?
These favors usually get big, problematic pay-ups, even if it’s decades later.
May 1st, at 10:19 pm
Free satellite TV!
May 1st, at 10:51 pm
Di: so are you saying that you think peter it doing this project for pay-up to his enemies, or that you think it’s another favor for the observer?
May 2nd, at 12:16 am
no, that’s not what i meant. i was simply stating an example of more pay-it later favors on fringe. peter and september have no bargain, Walter does, so pay-up to the observer doesn’t sound plausible.
Pay-up for the people that are after him seems a little unrelated, at least at this point, because we don’t know what their interests are, although i highly doubt they’re scientific. Nina Sharp, on the other hand, would be a fair guess, we haven’t seen her in a good deal of episodes lately, and the series has purposely left out the Peter-daily part on the plot, so we don’t know everybody he talks to or everything he does.
Ultimately, it could be [and that's a very slim 'could'], be related to cortexiphan or the abilities he, just as olivia, might have or develop: ‘Unleashed’ after all, came after ‘Ability’ [on the episode order], which is when the possibility of powers was first revealed, at least to us. And again, Peter seemed very au current of Cortexiphan on ‘Bad Dreams’ when Olivia told Walter she’d been treated, so he could be building something related to that. But again, that’s the longest shot
May 2nd, at 8:38 pm
there is so much going on in this series, so our Scooby gang are the good guys only when they are together.
i wish peter was leaning into kiss that dude