May 13, Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 120 There's More Than One Of Everything > Theories & Speculation by Scully

Alternate Reality Newspaper - 120

Here is the Newspaper that was sitting on William Bell’s desk, in his office on the top floor of one of the twin towers in New York City. - Did 9/11 not happen or have they rebuilt already?


New York Post


Date: Thursday/Tuesday, May 1?, 20??


Price: 25 cents




#1 - Obama set to move into new White House.  Did something happen to the original white house?  Did the Flight from 9/11 hit and destroy the white house as planned and they already rebuilt?


#2 - Former Pres. Kennedy to address UN. - So was JFK not assassinated, or did one of the other Kennedy boys make it to the white house?  JFK would be in is 90’s if he’s not dead.  The pic kind of looks like Senator Edward M. Kennedy or even Ted Kennedy.


#3 - Celtics Sweep!  Lyn Bias wins MVP. - He actually died before playing for the Celtics.  Today, he would be 46 years of age, a little old to be winning MVP.


#4 - Stock Markets Remain Closed - 21 Days & Counting.


Any theories?

May 9, Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 119 The Road Not Taken > Theories & Speculation by Scully

Let’s Compare

Here are some photos that have some things in common.  I will let you do the speculating on these ones.  I will start with the three most obvious sets…


#1 - The Burnt Rooms

Jones' burnt prison cell - "Ability"

Olive in burnt room - "Bad Dreams"

Susan's burnt bathroom - "The Road Not Taken"


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May 8, Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 119 The Road Not Taken by Scully

Susan’s Books - 119

Here is the full list of books from Susan’s bookshelf, the ones that I was able to make out, anyways.

Susan's Books


The Biographer’s Tale - A.S. Byatt: tells the story of Phineas G. Nanson, a disenchanted young graduate student who decides to escape the world of postmodern literary theory and immerse himself in the messiness of “real life” by writing a biography of a great biographer. For what could be more real than biography, the “art of things, of arranged facts”? But Phineas quickly discovers that facts can be unreliable, and a “whole life” hard to find. No matter how hard he tries, he unearths only fragments — disconnected manuscripts, bones and husks, strands of poetry, boxes of marbles, undated photographs. How does one put together the idea of a person?

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May 7, Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 119 The Road Not Taken > The Observer > Theories & Speculation by Scully

Olivia’s Alternate Universe - 119

Olivia slips in and out of a parallel universe in this week’s episode - “The Road Not Taken”.  I have a lot of questions about that other world.  First of all…where are the blue lights?  She’s travelling between dimensions, shouldn’t we see funky blue lens flares?  The scenes that take place on the other side do have a blue tinge to them, so I suppose I will have to settle for that.

Alternate Reality #1


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May 7, Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 119 The Road Not Taken > Theories & Speculation by Scully

Number 47 revisited - 119

A couple weeks back I wrote a post on the frequency of the Number 47.  I know that I said I would put this to rest, but what can I say…it’s just in my face.  I honestly believe there might be more to it than it’s just  J.J.’s favorite number.  It seems to be most prominent around the people who were tested on with Cortexiphan.  Here are the 47s that I found this week in “The Road Not Taken”.


Image #1 - The bus Susan Pratt gets on in the opening scene…

Image #1


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May 6, Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 119 The Road Not Taken > Walter's Lab Notes by Scully

Lab Notes - Photo puzzle - 119

This week we had two new pieces to our photo puzzle, but it wasn’t as easy as I thought.  The first five pieces were given to us in the proper order (or so it seemed), but they threw us a curveball this week.  The final two pieces are actually pieces number 4 and 6 - marked with the yellow stars.


Here is the finished puzzle…click image to view full size.

"The Road Not Taken"


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May 6, Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 119 The Road Not Taken > Next Episode Clues by Scully

Clue for 119 hidden in 118

Well, I believe we nailed this one…from last week - “Midnight” the news banner on the bottom of the screen…

New Report from "Midnight"


foreshadowing the mysterious fires in this week’s episode “The Road Not Taken”.

May 6, Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 119 The Road Not Taken > Symbols & Glyphs by Scully

Glyph Code - 119

Here is this weeks commercial break glyph code…


"The Road Not Taken"

May 4, Posted in Blue Lights > Easter Eggs > Theories & Speculation by Scully

Star Trek - Fringe connection

OK. so I went to see an early showing of Star Trek.  Amazing movie, by the way, I recommend it highly.  But that’s not what I want to talk about.  You know what I saw in the Star Trek movie?  Blue Lights.  Not just any blue lights, but OUR mysterious Fringe-lights!  What the Fringe is that about?


So one of two things is happening here:


#1 - The blue lights in Fringe don’t have any hidden meaning.  They aren’t little Eater Eggs for us to figure out.  They are just special effects that J.J. Abrams seems to like to use.  A new found look.




#2 - There is some sort of connection between Star Trek and Fringe.  J.J. has thrown an Easter Egg into Star Trek for us Fringe fans.


I do have a theory, but I will not go into when and how the lights in Star Trek were used, and what the connection to Fringe might be, until the film has been officially released and you have had a chance to see it.  But when you do get to the theater, keep your eyes open, and then get back here and tell me your theories.


So, as I was writing this post, I thought I would throw in a Star Trek poster, and this is what I found…

J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek"


Is that poster Red, Yellow and Blue?  Need I say more?


UPDATE: Thanks to Dennis over at Fringe Television for sending me these images of the blue lights from Star Trek…click any image to view full size.

Image #1

Image #2

Image #3

May 2, Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 118 Midnight > Next Episode Clues by Scully

Mean Anything? - 118

Here are my screencaps for this week.  They may be Easter Eggs, the next episode clue, or nothing at all.  You be the judge.  Click any image to view full size.

Image #1

Image #1 - This could be the actual door from wherever they shot this scene, or that cool pattern could be something more.


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