Jul 8, Posted in Fringe - 108 The Equation by Scully

Looking back at 108 – “The Equation”

The Equation


What did we miss?

- I think that I will beat a dead horse today.  Remember the yellow-red-blue theory?  Remember how I based the entire theory on that tape roll holder with the colored rolls of tape?  And remember when I discarded the theory when I discovered that the tape roll holder was in Episode 2?  Well, I am here to re-hash it.  This week, as Walter talks about the blinking lights he states that when he had experimented with it many years ago, that he had concentrated on the timing and intensity of the flashes not the colors, and that he now feels that the colors are the key.  When they pan down to the lights all lined up…you’ll never guess what is right behind it…the tape roll with the colored tape.  Coincidence?  Perhaps.  But I think that I will hold on to my red-yellow-blue theory just a little longer.


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Nov 20, 2022 Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 108 The Equation > Symbols & Glyphs > Theories & Speculation by Scully

What does this pattern mean?

There is something very weird going on in the hospital room where Walter tries to talk to Dashel. A pattern in the way things are laid out. Here is the pattern template …

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Nov 19, 2022 Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 108 The Equation > Symbols & Glyphs > Theories & Speculation by Scully

Loeb – Massive Dynamic or ZFT

Last week there was no sign of Massive Dynamic anywhere, but we were introduced to some new bad guy group by the name of ZFT. As it turns out, another double agent, Loeb, appears to be working either for them or against them. At first I thought he must be working for them, but David Jones worked with them, and his comments contradict the idea that Loeb worked with them as well…

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Nov 19, 2022 Posted in Fringe - 108 The Equation > Fringe - 109 The Dreamscape > Next Episode Clues > The Observer by Scully

The Observer & Butterfly Clue for 109 hidden in 108

Once again ‘The Observer’ seems to be in Olivia’s vicinity, only this time he actually seems to be looking in the direction of the red castle where the kidnapped boy was being held…

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Nov 19, 2022 Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 108 The Equation > Symbols & Glyphs by Scully

The Apple

Near the end of the episode we watch as Agent Loeb places an apple into a mysterious contraption…

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Nov 19, 2022 Posted in Easter Eggs > Fringe - 108 The Equation > Theories & Speculation by Scully

Walter – the clone side

In the pilot episode, Olivia gets into a tank and merges her mind with John Scott’s in order to get information from him when he was dying and unable to speak. In later episodes, she starts to see John Scott live and in person, even though he is now dead (or so they think). Walter explains that when they made that connection, a part of John was left behind in Olivia, and she is now accessing that information…

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