This may be an Easter Egg, the Next Episode Clue, or maybe nothing at all. You be the judge…
easter egg
The name of this book is “Burlap Bear Goes to the Woods” by Tomas Christensen.
burlap bear
I did a lot of Googling and could not find a book by this title, or anything even close. That means it’s fake, so it must have some sort of meaning or inference.burlap bear
burlap bear
It’s possible the reference here has nothing to do with the front of the book, but the inner pages instead…
Note: the red
look familiar…well it did to me…it reminds me of the claws of the hybrid creature…
The Creature
…perhaps the monster is not up ahead, after all…but right here with us.
Tomas Christensen is an actual author of children’s books who was commissioned to Illustrate a cover and inside spread of a made up children’s book “Burlap Bear Goes to the Woods”, that ties into the plot of the Fringe Episode “Unleashed”. He was also the author of the book “What’s that Noise?” seen in Episode 111 “Bound”.
Here are the original illustrations for “Burlap Bear Goes to the Woods”…click thumbnail to see full image…