Clue for 119 hidden in 118
Well, I believe we nailed this one…from last week - “Midnight” the news banner on the bottom of the screen…
New Report from "Midnight"
foreshadowing the mysterious fires in this week’s episode “The Road Not Taken”.
Well, I believe we nailed this one…from last week - “Midnight” the news banner on the bottom of the screen…
New Report from "Midnight"
foreshadowing the mysterious fires in this week’s episode “The Road Not Taken”.
Here are my screencaps for this week. They may be Easter Eggs, the next episode clue, or nothing at all. You be the judge. Click any image to view full size.
Image #1
Image #1 - This could be the actual door from wherever they shot this scene, or that cool pattern could be something more.
As I was watching Episode 3 “The Ghost Network” again (for the umpteenth time), I remembered that at Roy’s apartment there were shots of artwork and models. The model of the plane crash we knew about, but the others, at the time, held no meaning…
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Once again ‘The Observer’ seems to be in Olivia’s vicinity, only this time he actually seems to be looking in the direction of the red castle where the kidnapped boy was being held…
I’ve been keeping my eyes open for another hidden ’sneak peek’ and I think I found one. At the beginning of the episode they show the outside of the restaurant where ‘the observer’ is eating. Note the poster on the pole…
I spent a lot of time dissecting the subway scene after noticing the ‘magic bullet fumble’ and the first appearance the ‘the observer’, and what I noticed was this bizarre sign on the wall of the subway station…
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On the one way sign in Episode 2, there is a sticker with the words “Voces Video”. In Latin this translates to - “See Voices” - the problem affecting Roy McComb (in Episode 3) before Dr. Bishop treats his condition…
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In Episode 1, there is a newspaper box with a picture of a pen and a rose. In Episode 2, one of the guest characters, was named Dr. Claus Penrose…
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