Apr 28,

Mean anything? 117

Easter Eggs | Fringe - 117 Bad Dreams | Posted by Scully

thought that I had better slip these last images in before the new episode airs tonight.  Perhaps there is a next episode clue or an Easter Egg or maybe nothing at all…you be the judge.

Hospital #25134


Juice Box


I realize it’s just a juice box, but why go to all the trouble of blocking out the name?  Just don’t put it in the shot if you don’t have permission.  It seems a little odd to me.




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6 Responses to “Mean anything? 117”

  1. pr3sidentspence

    Is that tonight??? Crap, I’m never gonna get this paper done.

  2. Scully

    Giddyup Mister!

  3. fernando

    This might be a little too much of a strectch but..

    referring to the 25134 sign:



    and the glyph code for 118 spells out eight…

    any thoughts on this??

  4. QuincyK

    Question about last week, it was ‘belly’. what does that mean?

  5. pr3sidentspence

    Belly is William Bell. Billy+Bell=Belly.

  6. pr3sidentspence

    By the way, paper got done. I’m done school for at least a year. Coming September I’ll be in fatherhood school.

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