Oct 10,
Easter Eggs – 204 Momentum Deferred – Part 1
Easter Eggs | Fringe - 204 Momentum Deferred | Posted by ScullyThere are some other Easter Eggs that I will put in a separate post after I have had a chance to watch this episode frame by frame…but I wanted to get these up because the graffiti was just to cool! It reminds me of the poster they released this summer.
Whhhhhhhere’s Waldo?
It’s also interesting to note that this is the same graffiti seen in Episode 202, and it was also the Next Episode Clue for 203.
October 12th, at 3:26 pm
Just wanted to let you know for the third frame, there’s also another apple glyph a little to the left of the one you pointed out.
Also, thanks for the first two frames, I knew they were there, but couldn’t find them. I guess I’m not as observant as I thought I was…
October 15th, at 2:59 am
So what do the glyphs spell?
October 15th, at 10:05 am
@ pr3s: MEMORY
http://observersarehere.com/glyph-code-204/ /10/
October 16th, at 7:42 pm
On the graffitti? I thought that was the commercial break one. Or is it both?
October 17th, at 12:16 am
@ pr3s: Sorry, I thought you were inquiring about the commercial break glyphs. I didn’t think the glyphs in the graffiti spelled anything…but it’s worth taking another look, I think.
October 28th, at 12:41 pm
http://observersarehere.com/wp-content/uploads/ /10/graffiti-204-3.jpg
That sure don’t look like Anna Torv.
October 28th, at 12:43 pm
http://observersarehere.com/easter-eggs-204-momentum-deferred-part-1/ /10/#comment-12096
There’s another leaf on this. Downwards from the first apple on the left.
November 2nd, at 6:49 pm
@Raised Y there’s also half a daisy on the lower end, to the left of ana. probably it’s a whole but the picture was cropped there