A new viral site has surfaced through the fox home page that I will call ‘The Fringe Carousel’. It is a series of videos based on all of the different areas of Fringe science. I haven’t had time to go through all of them yet, (there are hundreds) but I thought I would give you the heads up. Click here to visit the website.
Complete the Pattern - Good News, Bad News
Well folks, the good news is that after two very long sleepless nights waiting for something to happen on the ‘Complete the Pattern’ viral site, it turns out the answer was probably there all along.
If you replace the word ’site’ in the address bar with ‘phase2′ the screen changes to this:
The bad news is - it turns out the whole thing is just a sweepstakes. Unfortunately, if you are not a resident of the US, this is as far as you can go. I guess they think that there are no Fringe fans outside of the good ole US of A. Anywho…I have taken the liberty of entering the sweepstakes and taking images of every screen so that everyone can participate in the fun.
After you enter all of your information, the next screen that comes up is a video screen. You can view the video at the bottom of the post.
The second screen that comes up is this screen:
When you hit the ‘CLICK TO COMPLETE THE PATTERN’ button, the following screen comes up:
It’s a puzzle. When you over over one of the boxes along the top, a drop-down with several symbols appears. The idea is to choose the symbol that matches the name on the box. I have included images of the five boxes and the choices for you so everyone gets a shot at ‘completing the pattern’. The solution is shown after the jump.
Complete the Pattern - Here we go again! - Find the Glyphs!
Time: 9:00pm
Well, here we go again folks! They have restarted the countdown to what will be midnight for me. It is about three hours away and I am really left wondering what will happen this time. For those who might not be aware, last time the clock counted down to zero…nothing happened. A small group of us stayed up until 4 o’clock in the morning waiting for the time zones all around the world to catch up with us…and still nothing happened!
Needless to say, I am a bit skeptical this time, but I am a devoted follower and so I wait. Tick Tock, Tick Tock.
I will leave this post open and update it on a regular basis until something…or nothing happens.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Time: 9:05pm
Let’s keep busy…check out this poster a little closer…find the glyphs.
Time: 10:33pm
Well that was a good way to pass some time. Her’s what we found so far…can anybody find the apple or the horn?
Time: 11:46pm
14 minutes to go, and my hopes are not very high. I’m not hearing good news from time zones who’s counters have reached zero, and I’ll be damned if I wait up until Hawaii catches up with us tonight.
Here is a manipulated version of the poster…it’s a little easier to make out the dark areas.
Time: 12:14
3…2…1…and nothing once again! YOU GUYS SUCK!
For those of you just tuning in, I’m sure the first thing you did this morning was check your email and the complete the pattern website. You got nothing? Welcome to the club.
A small handful of us stayed up pretty much all night waiting for all of the counters around the entire world to count down to zero in hopes that something-anything would happen.
Nada, Nil, Zilch, Bupkis. There are a couple minor variations, but there is still no actual activity. There is now a skip button, and it reads ‘REGISTER TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS WHEN PHASE 2 BEGINS’.
I haven’t been this thrown for a loop since Bruce Willis turned out to be dead in ‘The SIxth Sense’, and that’s saying something! When does Phase 2 begin already?
Di and I have been throwing around the theory that we have missed the boat completely. There is something that we missed. Is it possible that we must activate the site ourselves? Do WE have to ‘complete the pattern’? We are now working on the idea of using Fibonacci numbers to try and unlock something, but we could use everyone’s help. Put on your thinking caps and help us try to figure out what went wrong.
Any ideas anyone?
Complete the Pattern - Phase 2 has begun! Or has it?
O.K. so it’s ‘0d + 1h + 17m + 49s‘ according to the website and I find myself just full of child-like giggles. It occurs to me how easily I am amused and I wonder if I am the only person refreshing the screen every two minutes or so.
So, how do I keep myself occupied until then…I start surfing.
- The first thing I find is that nothing is happening with the ‘There is More‘ viral site. There has been no activity on it since May. There is nothing new on the Fox Fringe site, no bio for our new character Amy Jessup played by Meghan Markle, no new ‘Deep in the Lab’ videos. Nothing new on Case 0091. Massive Dynamic’s website hasn’t changed a bit. What Up? If it wasn’t for the questionable site ‘Fou Trust‘ this summer would have been a complete bust! I guess it’s no wonder that I am so excited about the new viral site, let’s hope it actually pans out.
- I found a cool video on facebook from last year that I had never seen before with some stunning visuals. You can check it out here.
- I also discovered that the producers may be offering prizes for the ‘Complete the Pattern’ viral contest. According to examiner.com, it could be a visit to the Fringe set. READY, SET, GO people!
I received a message from Denkiva over at Fringewiki. Here is what he had to say:
“I was approached at Comic-Con by an Observer. He placed a black card with a picture of a blue leaf on the back. On the front were these instructions:”
“TEXT DELTA to 37398 for your next assignment…“
I believe this is part of the new viral site “Complete the Pattern“. All I can tell you is that as of today there are only two days left until phase 2…man am I hyped! (standard text messaging rates apply to all text message sent or received…)
Thanks to ariannejean for doing all of the work on this one.
When you go to the Cortexifan website, It now looks like this…
Just a question…does anyone think this is going to be a new viral site? I hope so, but I guess we will have to wait and see (8 days, to be exact). Complete the Pattern.com
There has been some talk about the new page on the Cortexifan site, so I thought I would post the image of the frog.
Cortexifan Frog
Andrew reported that the site now says:
“We own the site now.
Go elsewhere for your information.”
ariannejean researched it and found:
“the frogs leg has C2OH25N30 on it. (i think.)“
“C2OH25N30- compound of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide.
in other words ( I belive )It’s LSD.”
Di noticed:
“something new on the site..a watermark on the lower left corner that when you hover over it, reads: ‘wbwashere’. how very great that both walter and william are wb’s, it could be anyone.“
In other words…all the work has been done for me. lol. Thanks everyone.
As mentioned in Allizee Zeva - Part 2, there were four blogs posted on her My Space page. We talked about blog 1, 3 and 4 already, here is blog 2. It needs to be decoded. Good luck everyone.
Allizee Zeva
#2 - February 23, - Monday at 6:42pm