As mentioned in Allizee Zeva - Part 2, there were four blogs posted on her My Space page. We talked about blog 1, 3 and 4 already, here is blog 2. It needs to be decoded. Good luck everyone.
Allizee Zeva
#2 - February 23, - Monday at 6:42pm
alfgnaerjiger g er g erg EWR gw ERF GVA fdveworgwre gw s gw ergb er
für Aer fgiewrhjgnremglierrgjerkgqergoiergjn jmdfgerwjg s gw eg w erg
wreg land dfgsdfgsrgjwrtiuzwrgh fsdgsdfgs young
ghjalds9873q45uc vfafd gwerpogf gas dfgporgm arfgde glkafgv SDV
cxdvlkads vas dvl afdv Afv
w4657zojk7q34hioupgharojoüergSchmetterlingeflkdsgn more GFB vadf
vblkanvadfslvgk ndflalfdsb
aksdfgadsfg a SDF ga ga sdfg we r4586 67 4iz4545 45 4 jk ojsdffkgmb
SDF 2340ßg mv sr fg’s fgth h strh srth r th tr g
who weregmemg fg g gw grlmrfgölgwsr butterflies sfglmwjfg möwe
gwgmömwglökmwgmnölksmghömswrtghm laugh hears sdfgjkhs
asdfklgjajndfgnew gegwer g eg wretgwergsdfder white wieajksdhfjkher
wolkenjsadflkkjdsffh agkadskgkasdkgasdkksadkgöoasdjg asdffügpokasdg
kjdsfg568er fg fgjiasdfgafdg the asdfgj5s678aksdfjvgn is
jkasdfgokasdfg89525 in the moonlight,
ungestörtjhsyjcfgajsdfjasfjajsdfkasdjfhjjhjjasdf vonasldifuasdouf
234853485jhjf09iu43u049388jfjjjwjjffsd terrible that night to discover. …
asdfhgasdkljfgjhkasdjkfjasdf 234 2453 254 tpioerwgjasdf gv
fadvgsdf54gv36df547vfg asd fgasdjfksadjjasdjfgjasdfasdf the
hjgfföjklasdfgölkasdlkjgjzur plant when aksudfgjsdfg sad fg 456
345pzo0i8wrtghm. Frmn, grgjkafdsgv he will.f
asdfjasdfkjasdjhf567899rekjfghkjsdfhgkjasdfhgasdfg sadfjgdsfg58 258 8 8
8 fdgjasdklfj the animal, aerifgajlksdfgnadfs ga dfgjajrfg dfs g
fdgjsdfjg jksdfg sdfjgjfsdfg
slkdfjsdfasd f asdfzumnarr to weisen.sdfkjgkjsdfgmsd fgosrgs mdfg SFD
gbjfdsgjfsd g dfsokgjdsf ng sdfogkjsd fg sdfoögjnmnmsdfgjkjfdgsdfgfg
alkstjasdjgfasd fg dsfgadfs25g4adfs4 441afdsg and can asdifhasdfbnasd
fasiudfjhnasd fasdoifvhjadfgs5dfg35sdfgin a
stundeashdfklhjasdkfjsdf 23409582349u5n 3t g9485wutn gvkjfjgfdgdurch
the sad foiasdfjasd fopasdf asdfganze
travel. …
kmasmdfjfvkajadsljdafngvj knows jdskljerf8frg9345 4 34 435
mdasfokgjadfsgkakjdofsg7734905u34nlk509vnj he knows nothing,
adsfklnsdfg743 re w 4r wrego0ßfsdg e rg iyfdopgspdofgwie all rg0pwfgwe
anderenlkjadfsjgklajsdfjmarfg 2 345 234 52 345 234 52 34d0fvgisdfmlög
wergpomfrgsdfgsdfauch lksdfkjgsjdfg 453 5 4 45 35 4t 3245
dfopgsfgsjdfjsfdgs dfg sdfogksjdfg swdf gnichts know.
lkdsnjlrfgnjadfg he fgwerkj reg erg cu rg xpajdjnur he knows
kjashefgnaes dfg w34 t234 t 243 2 34t8fdgnsf dg rfgo9eqwrtregjksdfgosr
gs oasdfiuasdfjasdfasdfwas the others, koasdjgsgf87w43t 243 2 34 23 423
423 23 gtsdf54dfgh srt egjsdfg SFD sdfg g sfdgsfdgbsfghund he
need to learn. … kaddfjajdfgjerw who qwe r 234 26 5 78 4679 r 4h
f ga fvikadfsg FDG FDG SFD gs s who in asdiogjasdfg dssich foreign
010242145df41df54g4sdfgufer senses and mutsdnfads9fw8734tn w43 g409rgprg
MWR wqrpogjwreg eg werpoigjwer g mwerg who has goijfjgjafgjfgjkjkj
asdjfijasdjfasdf asdfasdfsich to klajfjadfsgadsdfg0 01 54 54 5 5
spread will koasdfasdjfjasdfaallmählich, asdlkfanedf adf9083472qtn
234 234 gfoiwreojgnw r4giorgnm undisturbed by fear, oifnjrefgjer gf
wergt 345g GRG he 3w4 g g who are selbst123 4 123fiodsnfa
nodsgoiadfghjdasfgsaentdecken.jjasdkfgjadfgj a sdfg ADFS ga dsfg AFG
Ager 2345 7 65 Agree to hbabwärts
denargjwr0e972845tgnwergnimfrgjwregjwiogr culminate seinerasdf g
wergopenmvs fr gvwer OFV asfd gap9evgjpig WFE gbsw r gwselbst he looks
up. dsfkgverugwer r gw Wge erwg WRE gw v er g adf va are vbden
battle with adrgiuw45908egtn3ngvoifghjeokrjgoiergjoireghwrteseiner
underworld wergowerguerjgnwergjnwrejg Tow g erwg erw who takes erwergjw
erg g ewrg WRE he gofbkvwerg1wrt5h75 x 458 78 77 74 left on rt.
… o wretitgwerg who gw ergwer with itself ergijwergjeirguwerg who
g gw ergiwerjgwe WPO rgiowergjwer g voipofrgjjj in peace
aerfgkhjweroigjhewrigf sefgswergswfrbwsfweriutjh45 lives, will
gw aregurnvgnw458negwr erg g rjvger Tow wnreg w
vjjwrteoigmjkwgopierjtgmergmmjmw just die and even then
lively weroipgjwer 24 5 5 45 z 34 erg GHW 452 hz wreg h wt4 w th
ht et6h than any ef gw gw it worth erg g gw who erg e GWE who Tow Tow
his death.
CzuasdhgfgökjlaeurzagijaojbgsearhgsbhA15s47dfhg54sdfh584df54b 4
654sd6f4gs65dfgfgRoisugoiasjfgjposdfg Lspdofgsdfg145sdf
4785s7df8b7s8dfb4O sdfpokgjsopdfg afgafd 5754657 Kasldfgjofdjg
afdgasdfigiasdfg adfgoadfAlpafkj g daf adfg afsd gas fdgR
sdfgopiasdpofga dfgadfü0gpkasdfg G sdfglkjadfpgjadf gafdgok Eöladsfiga
dfsg adf ga DFGs
May 18th, at 3:25 am
theres a bunch of english in there… heres some of it
land young gas more we who butterflies laugh hears white is in the moonlight, the plant when he will. the animal, and can the sad travel he knows nothing, all know. he knows the others, need to learn who who foreign senses who has spread will undisturbed by fear who are Agree to he looks up. battle with underworld Tow who takes he left on who with itself who in peace lives, will are just die and even then than any who who his death.
May 18th, at 3:33 am
also ‘Tow’ 4 times, all towards the last quater. and there are about 17 groups of three capital leters.
May 18th, at 6:02 am
I don’t know what I’m doing (and I don’t know ANY german… there seems to be much of it in there) but maybe what I came up with will help People who do know what to do… so here it is:
He supplies it for EEC supplies land young more incoming goods who butterflies sea gull laugh and hears white taste. into the moonlight, terrible that night to discover. … the plant when he wants. the animal, to point. and the sad travel. … he knows nothing, all know. he move supplies. he knows the others, he needs to learn. … who into foreign senses and EEC who has; to spread, undisturbed by fear, he who are Agree to culminate looks up. are battle with underworld who takes he left on blank. … who supplies? who wants with who into peacefull lives, supplies. just and even then lively supplies. 452 cycles per second than any it worth supplies. who supplies who his death.
May 18th, at 6:37 pm
@ ariannejean: Excellent work, it is almost starting to make sense. I haven’t gotten very far with it yet, but I’m still working on it.
What the heck is that about?
May 18th, at 8:23 pm
Hello, the fuzz about Alizee is in fact the first try of a german TV-Station (Pro7) to promote a show via an ARG. It seems to have come to an end. Considering it was the “first try”, it was not very satisfying. Main goal was to present some entertaining riddles and to introduce the people to the things, which they will see in the show.
This is the text contained in the message (from the german community , which solved this ARG):
Für Mark Young
Wer Schmetterlinge lachen hört,
der weiß, wie Wolken schmecken,
der wird im Mondschein
ungestört von Furcht,
die Nacht entdecken.
Der wird zur Pflanze, wenn er will,
zum Tier, zum Narr, zum Weisen,
und kann in einer Stunde
durchs ganze Weltall reisen.
Er weiß, dass er nichts weiß,
wie alle andern auch nichts wissen,
nur weiß er was die anderen
und er noch lernen müssen.
Wer in sich fremde Ufer spürt,
und Mut hat sich zu recken,
der wird allmählich ungestört,
von Furcht sich selbst entdecken.
Abwärts zu den Gipfeln
seiner selbst blickt er hinauf,
den Kampf mit seiner Unterwelt,
nimmt er gelassen auf.
Wer Schmetterlinge lachen hört,
der weiß wie Wolken schmecken,
der wird im Mondschein,
ungestört von Furcht,
die Nacht entdecken.
Der mit sich selbst in Frieden lebt,
der wird genauso sterben,
und ist selbst dann lebendiger,
als alle seine Erben.
TRANSLATION (yeah, maybe not 100% correct, so its more an interpretation):
For Mark Young
He, who hears the butterflies laughing,
He knows the taste of clouds,
He will, in the moonshine
Undisturbed by fear,
Discover the night.
He will become a plant, if he wants,
An animal, a fool, a wiseman,
And may within an hour
Travel the whole Universe.
He knows, that he knows nothing,
As the others know nothing too,
only he knows what the others
And him have yet to learn.
He, who feels strange shores inside him,
And is brave enough to rise,
He will eventually undisturbed,
By fear discover himself.
Downward to the Peaks
Of himself he will look up,
The fight with his own Underworld,
he takes up calmly.
He, who hears the butterflies laughing,
He knows the taste of clouds,
He will, in the moonshine
Undisturbed by fear,
Discover the night.
He, who lives with himself in peace,
Will also die as that,
And is even then more alive,
as any of his heirs.
Its a song of the german band Novalis from the 70ties. Mr. Carlo Karges, playing the guitar and keyboard for them, wrote the lyrics.
Hope this helps.
So long.
May 18th, at 11:28 pm
interesting. I guess I was far off.
May 19th, at 6:52 am
never saw it that way, but after you took the english words out, it appears that some part of the english translation of the poem is hidden in there too.
actually that adds another dimension to it, which i didnt really expect