Here is part 4 of the timeline. You can view Part 1 (1900-1969), Part 2 (1970-1979) and Part3 (1980-1989) here.
1990———-Casey Peretti dies - tombstone “The Arrival”
1991———-Walter Bishop sent to St. Claires hospital - quote “Pilot”
OLIVIA: It’s me. Liaison. I found a connection between the Hamburg flight and what’s happened to Agent Scott. His name is Walter Bishop. He’s a scientific researcher from Cambridge, born in ‘46. Harvard educated post-grad at Oxford and MIT. Look at the experiments he was doing in the seventies. I believe doctor Bishop might have information’s that might tell…us what happened aboard that plane and save Agent Scott’s life.
BROYLES: It says the guy has been at St. Claire’s for 17 Years.
1991———-John Scott joins FBI - photo “The Arrival”
1992———-William Bell founds ‘BellMedics’ - Massive Dynamic website
1992———-Nina Sharp starts at ‘BellMedics’ - Massive Dynamic website
1994———-David Robert Jones fired from Massive Dynamic - quote “There’s More Than One Of —————–Everything”
NINA: Well, it’s true Jones used to work for William Bell 15 years ago. In fact, he was one of our first employees at Massive Dynamic. But he was let go.
1994———-Approximate date of the first pattern events including Becca’s Meadow - quote “There’s —————–More Than One Of Everything”
BROYLES: Well… these are the first recorded incidents. They all go back more than fifteen years.
NINA: Becca’s Meadow, that was the site of the first incident.
1995———-John Scott transferred to the Boston office of FBI - photo “The Arrival”
1996———-Unsolved serial murders in New Jersey and New York. Olivia and Jon’s case. quote - —————-”“Same Old Story”
CHARLIE: I know, I got it. You want to open up a twelve year-old serial case. The brain surgeon.
1997———-Nina runs the Boston marathon and is diagnosed with cancer - quote “Pilot”
NINA: I owe Massive Dynamics my life and that is not an exaggeration. I was a runner most of my life. In the ‘97 Boston Marathon, I felt strangely tired. One day at the office Dr. Bell noticed my discomfort and insisted I go for a CAT Scan. Cancer. Spread so severely I had to have my arm amputated that week.
1998———-Susan Pratt reported missing by twin sister, Nancy Lewis - quote “The Road Not Taken”
TECH AGENT: …look. You were right. Nancy Lewis. It says here that she had a twin sister who went missing eleven years ago.
1998———-Fleming-Monroe Aeronautics is created by William Bell - Massive Dynamic website
1998———-Ben Stockton born - quote “The Equation”
OLIVIA: (reviewing case files) So they’re all academics. A probability theorist, structural engineer… If we’re looking at a serial abduction, then a ten-year-old kid really doesn’t fit the bill.
1998———-Three other people go missing at the hands of Joanne Ostler - quote “The Equation”
BROYLES: No but this is not the first time this has happened. These are from the files of three other missing person cases dating back ten years. In each one witnesses describe seeing the same woman. We’ve tried running facial recognition software. Nothing.
1998———-Forty-seven children go missing from Chicago, including John Thompson - quote “Pilot” —————–and photo from official press kit
BROYLES: In the past nine months, there’d been three dozen authenticated incidents like the Hamburg flight. Most of what I’m about to show you has not been made public. John Thompson, normal kid. Went missing back in ‘98. Reappeared last month half way around the world, hadn’t aged a day. In the past few months, 46 other children who went missing that same year turn up. Same story.
11/1998——-Joanne Ostler allegedly killed in car crash - quote “The Equation”
CHARLIE: Apparently, her car went off a bridge in November of ‘98. Eight months before any of the abductions.
1999———-ZFT manuscript destroyed - quote “Ability”
OLIVIA: It’s a self-published anonymous manuscript. On their records only because it was recovered as evidence in a police raid in an unrelated case.
PETER: They sending it to us?
OLIVIA: They would be - if it hadn’t been destroyed ten years ago. So… I was hoping that you might have one of your - weird connections?
1999———-‘BellMedics’ merges with Fleming-Monroe to become Massive Dynamic
—————–- Massive Dynamic website
10/10/1999—-Kyle Richard Beltran born - photo “The Arrival”