"Same Old Story"
What did we miss?
- A while back, I started on a red, yellow, blue color kick. It all started with a closeup of a taperoll holder. Well here it is, way back in episode 2. Turns out, it has been in the lab all along…
- The plaque on the wall behind Broyles reads “PRO PATRIA ET GLORIA” which means “For Country and Glory”.
- At the end of the episode, Walter recites two sets of numbers. The first set is the first few numbers of the Fibonacci series, but he misses the number ‘5′.
What theories were overlooked?
- This theory wasn’t overlooked, it might be more of a confirmation. It’s been speculated that Peter also seems to have a power, the power of touch. It might be that they have been giving us hints to that as early as episode 2. Here is Peter touching Olivia’s hand when she is upset. They zoom in on it, so maybe it is significant after all.
- I have to revisit the possibility that Olivia is a clone of Nina’s daughter . I posed this question last week in ‘Looking back at 101 - Pilot’. This time, during a conversation between Nina and Olivia, Nina says “I’ve lost people close to me. I know how hard that can be.” This might not confirm the theory of Olivia being a clone, but it does put more stock into Nina possibly losing a daughter.
- In regards to the plaque on the wall where Broyles is standing…does that mean that the group of people he is talking to are a government committee of some kind? I had assumed they were some sort of private group, corporate heads and such. My question before had been, what is Broyles doing with these people, but if it is government sanctioned, my new question is…what is Nina doing there?
What makes sense now that didn’t before?
- Walter makes a comment to Olivia: “If you’ve read my file, then you know the truth about Peter’s medical history. I’ve been meaning to ask you to–“ Looking back, I assume this was a hint to Peter possibly dying of the Hepia illness when he was six or seven.
How have the characters developed?
- It’s interesting to look back at Peter in the first few episodes. He was so hostile towards everyone, especially his father, whom he called ‘myopic‘. He really had no respect or love for Walter early on, referring to himself simply as Walter’s ‘babysitter’. It’s been a wonderful ride, watching Peter’s attitude slowly change towards Walter. As each episode passes, we see the bond between them grow stronger.
What questions were never answered?
-Who are the people in the room with Broyles?
- After Walter asks about Peter’s medical history, Olivia replies: “Walter, there was no mention of any medical history. Just his birthday.“ This raises the question…who altered the file? Was it Walter, and he just doesn’t remember, or was is someone else and WHY? Who else would know?
- Whose hand was in that jar?
- At the end they show three men. Are they clones? It seems very likely because those look like umbilical cords. If they are, who are they clones of? Why does Massive Dynamic have them? Did they solve the rapid aging problem? Will we ever meet these clones?
- What was the meaning of Olivia’s dream? Was Broyles actually with her in New York at one point? That’s a pretty creative tie for her to just dream up. What’s with the flowers?
What tie was Broyles wearing?
Three ties in 102
Tune in Thursday, June 11 for “Looking back at 103 - ‘The Ghost Network’”.
June 6th, at 6:07 pm
where to start
First nice pics of the ties. The first blue on is my favourite. Now on to more serious things.
Clones: When i watched it one of them looked like Christopher from the episode. Might just be me wishing but it would make sense. The good doctor made a batch never had a wife or kid at home and decided to take his work home with him disregarding the fact that there was still the problem of rapid aging.
Olivia being a clone is starting to make more an more sense. I also had a feeling that she might be the most dangerous of the cortexiphan (sorry for spelling) kids to date. Which is why they were probably leaving her activation to the last if not activating her at all. Olivia also seems to have a power like peter. I think her simply being around something that malfunctioning. As soon as she focusses on it. It’s put right in some way.
Nina’s hand, Figuring out the observer I could go on but i want to focus on this episode.
The flowers might not mean anything significant most big corporations have some sort of fake natural reference in their waiting area. supposed to make you feel better unless they (massive dynamic) have started genetically modifying tulips. Were any of those flowers daisies like the glyphs? Hmmm
June 6th, at 9:58 pm
I hadn’t noticed the comment by Nina about having lost someone close to her — nice catch. I like your theory about her having a daughter that she lost, though I’m still not sold on the theory that Olivia could be a clone in any way…
I’m also very confused about the significance behind the dream/hallucination Olivia had of getting pregnant like Loraine. It seemed too random and unnecessary to be something that didn’t have any significance (kind of like the almost car accident scene in the finale). It almost seems very similar to her experiences in Bad Dreams, though I don’t see how it could possibly be at all connected to that.
Also, I think it’s significant that Nina was wanting Olivia to come work for Massive Dynamic so quickly. What prompted that? It seems like she knows more about Olivia than she lets on. Why was it so important for her to have Olivia work for her? Why didn’t she want her working for Broyles?
In response to what Jo said, perhaps rather than Olivia being the most dangerous of those tested with cortexiphan, it’s really that she’s the most powerful or the most important. Either way, I believe she certainly has a crucial role in the events that are coming.
June 6th, at 10:04 pm
Two things (pun just now intended):
1) How many months have passed by the end of season one? Could Olivia be pregnant with John Scott’s baby?
2) When Peter gets Walter from the closet, there are two Walters: one real, and one “mirror” Walter (one Walter reflected in the closet door). This shot was very carefully done so both Walters look like they are looking at Peter. I don’t know for sure, but it almost looks like it might be an effects shot to make this happen. Anyway, foreshadowing here.
June 9th, at 12:10 pm
@ pr3: not sure about the time passed on season 1, I am only in the 90’s for my timeline, but I will get to 2022- within the next few weeks, as I rewatch the eps again.
Good theory about Olivia being pregnant with Scott’s baby, but I hope it’s not true.