I received a message from Denkiva over at Fringewiki. Here is what he had to say:
“I was approached at Comic-Con by an Observer. He placed a black card with a picture of a blue leaf on the back. On the front were these instructions:”
“TEXT DELTA to 37398 for your next assignment…“
I believe this is part of the new viral site “Complete the Pattern“. All I can tell you is that as of today there are only two days left until phase 2…man am I hyped! (standard text messaging rates apply to all text message sent or received…)
August 5th, at 8:46 pm
Did you try it yet? What happened (biting fingernails)
August 5th, at 8:57 pm
yeah, what happened?! i’m trying to txt, but i’m outside US so the msgs won’t go through..i’ll call a friend inside continental US to send the txt for me, but in the mean while i’m curious!
August 7th, at 4:48 am
i’m not from usa, then i cant send the txt, its too expensive but im so curious to know what happen! if someone tryed, please post it!
August 8th, at 1:26 am
countdown finished on completethepattern.com..nothing changed on the site [kinda disappointing]..no email yet either..what is this all about?!